Conventional night vision lets observers covertly track and monitor activities over a range of distances. Yet Obzerv technology is a quantum leap beyond, producing remarkably detailed images over unprecedented distances. To see why, it's crucial to understand conventional night vision systems.
Conventional Short-Range Night Vision
In the 1960s, light intensifiers were the first systems designed to meet the needs of the military for short-range night vision. Although sensitivity and resolution have improved since then, certain inherent deficiencies remain:
- Saturation by light pollution
- The difficulty of recognizing objects at long range
- Diminished performance in rain, snow, and fog
Conventional Long-Range Detection
During the same period, military forces began using thermal imagers - based on the infrared radiation principle - for long range detection. Successive generations of thermal imagers have seen their sensitivity, resolution, and reliability improved. The latest generations, based on focal plane arrays, perform well for detection and classification, but they cannot overcome the limitations of infrared radiation:
- High resolution more difficult to obtain
- Requires a minimum thermal contrast
- Impossible to see through windowpanes
- Images require training to interpret
- Expensive lenses in this part of the infrared spectrum
Find out what's different about the technology used by Obzerv.