Active Range-Gated

Night Vision Cameras

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Company History

The company's scientific roots go back to the Canadian Department of National Defence and the National Institute of Optics also known as INO.

With the commercial potential of the technology as clear as its imaging results, Obzerv Technologies Inc. was founded in March 2002 as a spin-off of INO to address the development and manufacturing of commercial products.

Product Development

March 2002 Inception of the company
June 16, 2004 Obzerv Technologies launches the first commercial Active Range-Gated Camera (ARGC): the ARGC-2400.
January 25, 2007 Obzerv Technologies is contracted by DRDC (Defense Research and Development Canada) to develop and integrate an active range-gated camera payload into an L-3 Wescam MX-20 Multi-Spectral Imaging turret. The targeted platforms are Canadian Fixed-Wing Search and Rescue Aircrafts, Lockheed CP-140 Aurora as well as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
April 13, 2009 Obzerv Technologies adds ARGC-750 to its products family.


Obzerv's active range-gating technology
A breakthrough technology that provides superior identification and recognition capabilities compared to the best thermal imager. Obzerv's cameras have raised the bar in the surveillance market.
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